Government of New South Wales

The form of the Government of New South Wales is prescribed in its Constitution, which dates from 1856, although it has been amended many times since then. Since 1901, New South Wales has been a state of the Commonwealth of Australia, and the Australian Constitution regulates its relationship with the Commonwealth.

Under the Australian Constitution, New South Wales ceded legislative and judicial supremacy to the Commonwealth, but retained powers in all matters not in conflict with the Commonwealth. Section 109 of the Australian Constitution provides that, where a State law is inconsistent with a federal law, the federal law prevails (to the extent of the inconsistency). The New South Wales Constitution says: "The Legislature shall, subject to the provisions of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, have power to make laws for the peace, welfare, and good government of New South Wales in all cases whatsoever." Initially the Australian states retained significant independence. Over time, however, that independence has been greatly eroded by both the proliferation of Commonwealth Law, and the increasing financial domination of the Commonwealth.

New South Wales is governed according to the principles of the Westminster system, a form of parliamentary government based on the model of the United Kingdom. Legislative power rests with the Parliament of New South Wales, which consists of the Queen, represented by the Governor of New South Wales, and the two Houses, the New South Wales Legislative Council and the New South Wales Legislative Assembly.

Executive power rests formally with the Executive Council, which consists of the Governor and senior ministers. The Governor, as representative of the Queen, is the formal repository of power, which is exercised by him or her on the advice of the Premier of New South Wales and the Cabinet.

The Premier and Ministers are appointed by the Governor, and hold office by virtue of their ability to command the support of a majority of members of the Legislative Assembly.

Judicial power is exercised by the Supreme Court of New South Wales and a system of subordinate courts, but the High Court of Australia and other federal courts have overriding jurisdiction on matters which fall under the ambit of the Australian Constitution.

New South Wales celebrated the Sesquicentenary of Responsible Government in 2006.



Minister Office Portrait Party Opposition
Office Portrait Party
Barry O'Farrell Premier of New South Wales   Liberal John Robertson Leader of the Opposition   Labor
Minister for Western Sydney     Labor
Andrew Stoner Deputy Premier of New South Wales   National Linda Burney Deputy Leader of the Opposition   Labor
Minister for Trade and Investment   Mick Veitch Shadow Minister for Trade and Investment   Labor
Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services   Shadow Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services  
Jillian Skinner Minister for Health   Liberal Andrew McDonald Shadow Minister for Health   Labor
Minister for Medical Research   Shadow Minister for Medical Research  
Adrian Piccoli Minister for Education   National Carmel Tebbutt Shadow Minister for Education and Training   Labor
Mike Gallacher Minister for Police and Emergency Services   Liberal Nathan Rees Shadow Minister for Police and Emergency Services   Labor
Minister for the Hunter   Linda Burney Shadow Minister for the Hunter   Labor
Duncan Gay Minister for Roads and Ports   National Tony Kelly Shadow Minister for Roads and Ports   Labor
Brad Hazzard Minister for Planning and Infrastructure   Liberal Linda Burney Shadow Minister for Planning Infrastructure and Heritage   Labor
Minister Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW     Labor
Chris Hartcher Minister for Resources and Energy   Liberal Tony Kelly
Luke Foley
Shadow Minister for Resources and Primary Industries
Shadow Minister for Energy
Special Minister of State   Luke Foley Shadow Special Minister of State   Labor
Minister for the Central Coast   Linda Burney Shadow Minister for the Central Coast   Labor
Gladys Berejiklian Minister for Transport   Liberal Penny Sharpe Shadow Minister for Transport   Labor
George Souris Minister for Tourism Major Events Hospitality and Racing   National Tony Kelly Shadow Minister for Tourism Major Events Hospitality and Racing   Labor
Minister for the Arts   Nathan Rees Shadow Minister for the Arts   Labor
Mike Baird Treasurer   Liberal Michael Daley Shadow Treasurer   Labor
Greg Pearce Minister for Finance and Services   Liberal Shadow Minister for Finance and Services  
Minister for the Illawarra     Labor
Katrina Hodgkinson Minister for Primary Industries   National Tony Kelly Shadow Minister for Resources and Primary Industries   Labor
Minister for Small Business   Robert Furolo Shadow Minister for Small Business   Labor
Andrew Constance Minister for Ageing   Liberal Barbara Perry Shadow Minister for Ageing   Labor
Minister for Disability Services   Shadow Minister for Disability Services  
Greg Smith Attorney General   Liberal Paul Lynch Shadow Attorney General   Labor
Minister for Justice   Shadow Minister for Justice  
Don Page Minister for Local Government   National Sophie Cotsis Shadow Minister for Local Government   Labor
Minister for the North Coast     Labor
Pru Goward Minister for Family and Community Services   Liberal Barbara Perry Shadow Minister for Family and Community Services   Labor
Minister for Women   Sophie Cotsis Shadow Minister for the Status of Women   Labor
Anthony Roberts Minister for Fair Trading   Liberal Cherie Burton Shadow Minister for Fair Trading   Labor
Kevin Humphries Minister for Mental Health   National Robert Furolo Shadow Minister for Mental Health   Labor
Minister for Healthy Lifestyles   Cherie Burton Shadow Minister for Healthy Lifestyles   Labor
Minister for Western New South Wales     Labor
Robyn Parker Minister for the Environment   Liberal Luke Foley Shadow Minister for the Environment and Climate Change   Labor
Minister for Heritage   Linda Burney Shadow Minister for Planning Infrastructure and Heritage   Labor
Victor Dominello Minister for Citizenship and Communities   Liberal Sophie Cotsis Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Communities   Labor
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs   Barbara Perry Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs   Labor
Graham Annesley Minister for Sports and Recreation   Liberal Linda Burney Shadow Minister for Sport and Recreation   Labor

See also


External links